Monday, 8 July 2013

Plants in Bloom

I haven't had much to blog about, as I can't say i've been very crafty of late but I thought I could at least do an update.

My plants are all in bloom and looking beautiful.

You may remember this tower I did back in May, well its had a bit of sunshine and had a bit of a growth spurt!

Unfortunately the flowers on top didn't last too long, but the rest have gone crazy bursting out of the pots.

These are some of the other pots I planted in May that are also doing pretty well.

I'm not quite sure where this one came from but this is the 3rd summer its
come back soI'm pretty pleased! 

Stwarb the Strawberry Plant.
You can just see the strawberries poking through the leaves there
I've had this plant for about 4 years but always in a tiny pot so this is the first year
it's bloomed to well. I only rehomed it a couple of weeks ago too! 
Strawberry Plants close up 

This is another one I planted a couple of years ago and am happy to see come back 

This was planted at the same time as the one above 
This is a new addition. A gift from my aunt about 2 months ago 

I shall be back soon with a crafty update!